Training Programme


We Conduct Training
Programs For

Corporate Organizations – Conducted at your premises or outside
Schools and Colleges – Conducted at your premises or outside
Private Groups- Conducted at outside.
  • 1 Day TRAINING PROGRAMMEAt My Mind, we provide fast and easy access to counselling and psychotherapy for what you need, where you are, what you can afford...
  • 2 days training programmeAre you ready to move to the next level, But seem to be stuck in Place? Let us help you Get there,...
  •   To know, origin, structure, concept and role of mind
  •   To know and manage mind, power of mind, managing mind power for success.
  •   To know, practice and master mind management to govern and influence mind of self and others, design to success for self and others.

Life presents with many challenges to our emotional and mental- well-being. You may be struggling with a particular difficulty, want to get more out of life or feel more balanced and fulfilled. You may wish to strengthen your self- confidence or rebuild your self-esteem.

My mind has a team of experts hosting a range of workshops and courses that will teach you the tools and techniques needed to help you meet the challenges life throws your way and overcome the obstacles standing in the way of personal well- being.

We will provide the guidance and support to help you grow in confidence, develop and strengths and Resilience, and Boost your own well-being and happiness, As well as learning new skills and knowledge to take into your everyday life.


Strengthened resilience and increased emotional and mental well-being.


Heightened self awareness and self compassion the knowledge to identify your goals and ambitious and how to achieve them.


Increased personal empowerment the confidence to handle difficult situations and the challenges life puts your way.

Are you ready to move to the next level, But seem to be stuck in Place? Let us help you Get there,

Mind Power Solution is a dynamic personal development organisation. Our elite team of professional have shown many notables how to make the most of their knowledge, skills and talents.

We offer customized strategies and techniques designed to help individual and groups reach their full of potential.

Experts agree that people who control their thoughts are happier and enjoy more productive lives. It has been proven that people who consistently think positive thoughts are more likely to achieve greater success in life. Those who think negative thoughts are least likely to line up to their potential. Mind Power Solutions will help you to change your thoughts and change your life.


We often give attention to physical growth and problems associated with the same. One's life career, success, happiness, relations and so on related to and resulted from psychological state. To assess self and others, to design improvement patterns in future, we should learn developmental psychology , social psychology and industrial psychology in general. This course helps you in examining and managing self and others.


Who need no counselling? Every individuals and group requires counselling in various situations in a complicated life situations, sometimes in general or specific.

This process will reduce burden of anxiety and avails scientific guidance in complexities. But who will do it? Its none but you who can become a self-counsellor and a resource person for others. This course helps you to be a professional and passionate counsellor in and around you.


What is Mind? What is its structure, how it originates and develops? What is the role of mind in our thoughts and actions? How it design results? How powerful our mind is? How much of its power is utilized? These and many other questions are often floating but still not found answers... or partly left. This course will help you to learn, practice and feel the power of mind.


Neuro Linguistic Programming is a scientific methodology to govern actions and results through the potential of neuro system and power of subconscious mind. Once you master in it, nothing is unachievable in life... so the matter is how to practice and experience success events continuously in life. More than learning, this course infuses skill of the same into you.


It's true that the physical ailments are highly contributed or aggregated by mental part of individuals. By correcting the chakras in human most of the illness leaves away. How to practice and popularize this healing therapy is raises by current time. If you could be a source of relief for others in sufferings, life is fruitful. This course gives you the foundation practices of a universally accepted alternative therapy.

This particular programme is an intensive one with supplementary personal development projects. Expect this programme to change your thinking and your life. It is an intensive with a lot of personal supervisions. You get to learn the principles of NLP and how to think, and use them for yourself, rather than step by step processes,